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2019 - Present


  • Design, build and test a full stack Recipe Application using MSSQL for backend and Window Form for frontend

  • Design and develop car rental management app that connect to MySQL database

  • Create WPF application using MVVM design pattern

  • Design, build and test a mobile application using Xamarin Forms framework.

  • Have good knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming

  • Have good knowledge of Agile Development, SDLC

  • Have good knowledge of Test-Driven Development

  • Create and maintain and modify open source projects in Github

Javascript, React.js

  • Create a full stack social media app with react for front end and MongoDB for backend using GraphQL to query data.

  • Create a full stack web application with React for front-end and utilizing Google API- Firebase for backend.

  • Use React to create a single page application.

  • Design and develop a note taking app using React

  • Create websites having CRUD functions

  • Use vanilla JavaScript to create a shopping website

  • Experience in JSON and jQuery

  • Have proven ability to write technical design documents such as feasibility report, SRS (Software Specification Requirement), User Guide, technical diagrams UML



North Metropolitan TAFE

Diploma in Software Development

Northbridge, Perth

  • ICTICT403 - Apply software development methodologies

  • ICTPRG509 - Build using rapid application development

  • ICTPRG604 - Create cloud computing services

  • ICTSAD505 - Develop technical requirements for business solutions

  • ICTPRG527 - Apply intermediate object-oriented language skills

  • ICTWEB501 - Build a dynamic website

  • ICTDBS504 - Integrate database with a website

  • ICTPRG520 - Validate an application design against specifications

  • ICTPRG504 - Deploy an application to a production environment


North Metropolitan TAFE

Cert IV in Software Development

Northbridge, Perth

  • ICTPRG405 - Automate processes

  • ICTPRG414 - Apply introductory programming skills in another language

  • ICTPRG410 - Build a user interface

  • ICTPRG406 - Apply introductory object-oriented language skills

  • ICTPRG415 - Apply skills in object-oriented design

  • ICTPRG413 - Use a library or pre-existing components

  • ICTWEB409 - Develop cascading style sheets

  • ICTPRG404 - Test applications

  • ICTPRG403 - Develop data-driven applications

  • ICTPRG402 - Apply query language

  • ICTICT418 - Contribute to copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment

  • ICTPRG419 - Analyze software requirements

  • ICTPRG401 - Maintain open-source code programs

  • ICTICT408 - Create technical documentation

  • ICTICT420 - Develop client user interface

  • ICTPRG409 - Develop mobile applications

Professional skillset

Intermediate level in C#, Java, JavaScript, React, Python

Work well in agile environment

Great at problem solving

Great time management






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